Důraz na vzdělávání - letní školy

10. 07. 2019

Akademie městské mobility je postavena také na základě poznatků ze dvou letních škol, které proběhly v Lipsku ve spolupráci s TU Dresden a městem Lipsko a to v letech 2016 a 2018. Pokud umíte anglicky a jste v oboru, pak máte možnost se účastnit letošní letní školy, která proběhne ve dnech 2. - 6. 9. 2019, opět v Lipsku. Bližší informace najdete níže.

Nicméně pro osm českých měst se rozhodla Fakulta dopravní ČVUT v Praze, Univerzita Pardubice, VŠE v Praze a spolek Partnerství pro městskou mobilitu, z. s. první letní školu i u nás a to v termínu od 10. - 12. 9. 2019 v Praze. Bližší informace najdete zde.

Informace o letní škole v Lipsku:

The Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and the City of Leipzig are proudly presenting the 3rd edition of the International SummerSchool 2019 from 1st to 7th of September 2019 at the new innovative working space in the historical “The Post” Building in Leipzig. Send us your application if you want to…

…Discuss Traffic Safety, Public Transportation, Marketing/Campaigning and Traffic Simulation

Innovate: The week of the SummerSchool will include morning lectures and public evening lectures with motivating presentation and lighthouse talks about innovative ideas to change urban mobility.

Activate: The afternoon sessions provides room for exchange of experiences with pitching sessions, where participants will briefly present their ongoing projects and can discuss challenges and how to overcome them.

…Work hands On: The participants will work on a specific case study of the City of Leipzig. On Friday, the final presentations of the working groups will be livestreamed and will be embedded in a web based training including inspirational talks from Marco te Brommelstroet and Janette Sadik Khan (tbc).

Participation package: Our package includes not only innovative and encouraging presentations and exercises but also daily catering for the lecture days (Mon – Fri), unlimited soft drinks and coffee at the venue and accommodation for the week of the International Summer School 2019. Travel bursaries are very limited – please indicate in your application if you request travel subsidies (including justification).

If you are a practitioner, young employee and post graduates we encourage you to send us your application via the TUMI website: https://www.transformative-mobility.org/news/tumi-summer-school-2019 or via e-mail to: tumisummer@transformative-mobility.org. The application will be open until 19th of July 2019.

Jan Rickmeyer

Transport Policy Advisor

giz | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

G 310 – Energy, Water, Transport

Sector Project Sustainable Mobility

Postfach (PO box) 5180

D-65726 Eschborn


E              jan.rickmeyer@giz.de

T              +49 6196 79-2652

M            +49 152 9003 5941 (please note: new mobile number!)

I           www.giz.de


Štítky: Vzdělávací rozměr (Mezioborového plánování, tag24)
